“I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Chelsea Madrigal for over a decade. Whether I’m in physical pain, am dealing with stress, or an emotional block, a session with Chelsea leaves my body feeling open, and strong, and my mind clear, intuitive and focused. My energy radiates and I feel completely restored like I had been at the beach for a week.  Chelsea is the Energy Guide I put my trust in. She’s my secret ninja weapon for great vibes.”  
Tara Stiles, founder of Strala

"I knew I wanted to meet with Chelsea the first moment I read about her. My intuition was right. I met Chelsea at one of her Meditative Empowerment sessions at Strala NYC. From there I booked an energetic healing session with her where something deep within me came to surface for the first time in 10 years. She is able to create resonance and a safe sacred space, I felt so open to be able to speak about this trauma which I had repressed for so long with her after only knowing her for a few days. When I returned to my home in Australia we kept in touch and for two years she was my mentor whilst I participated in her life changing course 'Rewrite the Monologue' In those two years past traumas, heartbreaks, blocks, patterns, difficult emotions were addressed, processed and then alchemised into raw power. I felt safe, supported and empowered. Our time together has been so raw and healing. She has the capacity to go deep and really deal with the nitty gritty. She is the kind of 'teacher' that guides the 'student' to be their own 'teacher'. She is full of wisdom and has a strong sense of intuition, I was guided to really 'know oneself' really the greatest gift of growth. I was guided to create awareness around my thoughts, actions, beliefs and patterns on a daily basis and from the place of awareness I was given tools on how to create any necessary shifts for more space and magic in my life. Chelsea has played a MASSIVE part in my life - a mother, sister, friend, teacher, fairy god mother. I am so proud of the woman I am today and I would not be this woman and be living the radical abundant life I am living if I had never worked with Chelsea. I will be eternally grateful for Chelsea's presence and guidance in my life."
- Natalie Powell - private yoga guide and partner at Tahina restaurant in Melbourne, Australia
"Chelsea Madrigal is a healing shaman with her hands and spirit. She has profound, intuitive ability to read the body. She can create radical shifts and re-alignment with those healing hands and her grace and sensitivity when working with the body is pure magic, bliss. She will always leave you feeling restored and re-invigorated. Her spirit and strength in the healing arts is one of the best in the business. I should know she’s been working on me for over 20 years since she was a little girl!"
- Eva Lindemann – Little Bear NYC - www.bruceweber.com
"Chelsea has intuitive magical hands that connect straight to the essence of one's being and invigorate needed energies and healing capacities. Her attention is complete, she visualizes breathes and moves with a higher guidance."
-   Lauren Embrey – Embrey Family Foundation www.embreyfdn.org
“I remember the first time I saw Chelsea across the room. My soul recognized her and I was drawn to her instantly. Maybe sisters in a past life to lovers to best friends in some form or fashion. I know that for sure. When I met Chelsea I was going through a major upheaval in my life. I was at a crossroads and I knew I had to follow my path and abandon all that I had been brought up with. I was pregnant with my daughter at the time and the soul that was inside of me was very clear that she was choosing me to be her mother and it was time for me to become the woman that she needed me to be. Chelsea began doing energy work with me as a way to clear and release. I felt much better and experienced profound breakthroughs. She saw my little girl playing in the woods with long hair. A spiritual practice that we have adopted is to not cut our hair an yes we have woods behind our house where she plays and meditates with me.
Chelsea suggested intuitively that I begin practicing Kundalini Yoga. I had never heard of it and couldn’t find anywhere in the city I was living in to go take a class. At the same time, I was listening to a yoga pregnancy CD everyday and chanting along with it. I had no idea until a year later but it was a Kundalini Yoga CD. That is my path and Chelsea was able to see it before I was. Our paths split ways but not our soul connection. I was at another major crossroad in my life. Once again, I knew which path I had to take without knowing what was happening in my life, this summer, Chelsea reached out to me to see if I would be interested in taking this course. (Re-write The Monologue). I agreed and she has been with me through every step of this process I am going through. Guiding me giving me the tools to help myself. I am growing, I am liberating myself. I am creating my life and my future. I am grateful to Chelsea for following her path and being there to guide me and you on our paths.”
- Sarrah Bolin – Austin, Tx. Kundalini Yoga Instructor
"All women are healers. If we find that part of us that knows how to heal, we pass it down to our daughters, and they to their daughters. My healing powers were awakened by having a healing mother that nurtured and loved me. Her gift was not through taking classes or studying, but by the pure love she had for me. From receiving that nourishment, it opened me up to studying and learning many healing systems, so my powers came from training. I practiced on my children, husbands and animals. I passed on that healing to my daughter. Chelsea is an amazing healer and has been since she was a young child. She always just “knew” where to lay those hands, where to massage, or how to heal the pain. I have many stories over the years about her sacred alchemy. She would touch you, do laying on of hands, press on your chakras, always releasing the pain and totally healing the issue.. at one of my retreats I lead in Mexico, I woke up in the night with a leg hurting so bad I could not even get up. She did her usual gentle but firm magic and the next day I forgot it had happened. Along with her healing she shares with everyone her true love for everyone and everything, a true Pisces. She energizes as she is so energized. She is fun, brilliant, and a shining light for all she comes in contact with. She is a psychic intuitive healer and has since studied healing techniques, however it is a gift she was born with this sacred gift. She is a wonderful supportive guide. Her course Re-write The Monologue has helped me get back into my peace, quietness, meditation, and spiritual practices. It has also helped me to become more pro-active in my business world. It has brought me back into my center instead of me running around so much to make things happen. I am forever grateful. This course has grounded me for sure. Now, I want to stay this way as my bliss and joy have taken over and life is fun again. I do hope it will continue as the support is just so awesome. She is very intuitive and caring yet made me face my truth when I got off track She has stayed with me on a daily basis until my new habits were in place. Recreating good habits is not easy and she seemed to be with me throughout the process, holding my hand, guiding me back into my daily disciplines.”
Thank you thank you.”
- Elaine Dodson –  Beauty Guru - www.elainedodson.net
"Re-write The Monologue is a healthy and healing journey through oneself reflecting on how we are and where we are. Chelsea does ensure that her guidance is tailor-made for what one needs the most at the very moment. She guides with a lot of sensitivity and peace towards the good and the happy things in one's self replacing the often piled up frustration and anger which is actually neither needed nor helpful. She guides towards being aware of one's own ability to guide ourselves with understanding and patience, so we have space to explore whatever it is we want to find. The course is a kind eye opener and a refreshing kick start to change the things we always wanted to change."
MH – Germany
“I wanted to thank you for our session on Monday night. It was such an awesome and relaxing experience. You are such a delight to meditate with, and your energetic alchemy session was a wonderful experience.
After the session, I felt that my body was vibrating at a higher frequency. I was so aware of the energetic part of my physical self. And your insight into where I am in my life was surprising, and it was great to recieve your suggestions for what I could do to move myself into my greater realization :-)
I love the energy you bring into a room. Whether in a private location or a busy restaurant, your presence is always positive and uplifting, as well as playful and sweet.
I look forward to future sessions with you.
Highest Blessings,”
- Kristine Gallant - Professional Chef

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