in meditation deep is where we meet

like a dream awakened too fast

the moment was lost

the information rushed

like an ember to a wild brush

we kept closing our eyes in hopes of a return

to pick up where we left off

but for now the dream is gone

faded into the subconscious

for another time

a future dance to a song not ready to be sung

still being written no where close to done

a time when we have grown and prepared for the knowledge we were not yet ready to receive

there is no end between us

there is no fated time

however the beginning must be understood and all that was must be washed away

and sent back into the sea


a fresh start

down the line

a place in time where we have become that which we have only spoken in the past

the need to



connect the dots must also be lost

so that only the essence is told

only the purity of two spirit souls

for now in meditation deep is where we meet

in the muladhara we plant our seed

in the svadisthana the vision proceeds

in the manipura we transform the beast

in the anahata the healing integrates release

in the visuddha is where we shall speak

in the ajna is where we shall see

and in the sahasrara is where we shall BE

no story is left untold

but for now the characters unfold

left to blossom on their own

without speech

without judgement

without manipulation

in silence divine

ethereal sky

in pure consciousness they are free

in meditation deep is where they meet

purity is the seed

meditation is our key

you and i shall meet in meditation deep






© chelsea madrigal