Today i was given this....
What if…
What if I just let go of it all
All the dreams
All the hopes
All the expectations
Everything that was and I simply surrendered to the not knowing that has taken over my existence as of late
What if there was no past me
No memory before today
Before this moment in time
No desire to fulfill some life long prophecy
What if there was no future
No knowledge of what’s to come or what I think I should be
What If there was and is only now
In some ways such as love I feel home, I feel found for the first time ever, in this space I know I am where I am meant to be
in almost every other sense I feel completely lost at sea
But today I decide to surrender to this feeling
To embrace the unknown
The life I did not plan
The possibility
The blank canvass in the letting go of who I think I am meant to be
Today I become an untold dream
Allowed to live moment to moment
Creation to creation
Allowed to become who my soul craves to be
Today I release the control of plans that are not meant for me
Today I will trust that the greatest life is on its way to me
Today I will remember that I believe in magic and mystic and in all that creation creates
What a relief to let go of the weight that has been holding me down for years
The weight of here is what you SHOULD have been
Here is what you COULD have been
Here is what you WOULD have been if only…
If only what I say
If only I had said yes or no or turned right or left
I did not
And what I did has led me here to this place where I found most of what I was ever looking for and perhaps love has forced me to open unawakened doors within my consciousness that wanted more
More than the struggle
The hustle
The bustle
More than the lies I had told myself to breathe
More than the dictator of who was oppressing who I came to be
What if everything is completely different than ever before
What if there is no more comfort of safety of was to cling onto anymore
What If I awaken and truly see
What If I truly do the work and become everything that hides inside of me
I embrace the shift and the release
I choose to be free
12.29.16 - chelsea madrigal
happy capricorn new moon afterglow and the ending of a cathartic year. May 2017 lead you with eyes that open through the truth of the love in your heart and may your dreams be free to dream.

copyright chelsea madrigal

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